Bite-Sized Life

Chop Suey Poems

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Bite-Sized Life:
The Chop Suey Poems



Runny Eggs Are Better Than Poached

Released Birds Fly Back

Hot Dogs and Marshmallow Disintegration

Dream of Flying into Electric Beehives

Holy Stubbornness

It Seemed Like a Good Idea at the Time

The Deadliest Catch

Do You Know What the Choir is Chanting in Postludium?


The Orangutan Guzzled Three Cans of Schlitz and Ate Chicken Stuffed with Duck Foie Gras at An Outdoor Cafe

Material Girl

Bastille Day Celebration in SF

It's Not Over Till the Bac~Os Bits are Gone

The Albino Haired Woman

Growing Dahlia

Mao Shi Meili De

No One Dances in the Summer


Feral Hogs


Wolftrap Anglerfish